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Viste della natura

Margherita Detomas

Chapada landscape

I love adventure. It's inside me. 
The word derives from the Latin ad ventura, meaning to go towards what is yet to happen, what will happen, to go towards the things that are yet to come. Things that exist and need to be found. Its prefix ad, means motion towards a place. Motion is already a destination and has a destination within itself. 
                           Margherita Detomas – Verona - October 2021

Margherita Detomas is a professional journalist, documentary maker and writer. He currently works for the Bolzano branch of Rai (Italian Radio and Television). He studied Literature and Philosophy at the University of Trento with a research thesis on an indigenous group of Brazil, the Xavante.
Passionate about archeology and explorations, especially those carried out "in the field" and thanks to an investigation begun in 1992, she approached South America, from Peru to Brazil up to the Amazon areas, and to be precise in Mato Grosso.

She is an academic member of the GISM (Italian Mountain Writers Group), a member of the Italian Geographical Society, international correspondent of the Istituto Històrico e Geogràfico de São Paulo (Brazil) and Member of the Royal Geographical Society of London.   


He began working as a freelance journalist in 1988, writing for newspapers and magazines on current affairs and culture and as a correspondent for some radio stations. 
He has written monographs and historical-naturalistic stories on various places in Italy and Europe, writing the column "Lontano Ma Non Troppo" in the newspapers Il Mattino, l'Adige and la Cronaca di Verona from 1990 to 1996. Also in the 1990s he worked for the newspaper "L'Ineditore" and for the magazines "Weekend Viaggi", "Dove", "Meridiani".


In 1996 “Il Trentino” was published, a historical-artistic guide by the “Quadratum” publishing house in Milan. 
In 2019 he edited the book “Drawdown - the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse the course of global warming” (
In December 2019 he published the essay "Invisible Cities - Percy Fawcett and Timothy Paterson's El Dorado" for the Write Up Site publishing house in Rome.

Documentaries and films:

In addition to his journalistic work, he has created some documentaries (see: 
In 2004 he signed the short film “There is Music on the Towers”, presenting it at various international film festivals. This documentary was followed in 2007 by the film-fiction “Love in the Snow” which in May 2008 obtained “The Best Prize”, in the fiction section at the “Moscow International Festival Vertical” in Moscow. 
In the summer of 2007 he collaborated on the set of the film "Narcissus” by directors Marcello and Dario Baldi, shot in Trentino. 
In 2012 he created the biographical documentary "The Seasons of Mario”, presented in various venues as a vehicle for the Literary Prize dedicated to the Italian writer Rigoni Stern. 


Literary activities,

scientific  Andof research

He contributed to the creation of the Mario Rigoni Stern International Award - For Multilingual Literature of the Alps”  

From 2004 onwards he published the results of his research in some Italian sector magazines ("Archeomisteri") and presented them at international conferences of the international CIRPET committee (Interdisciplinary Committee for Historical and Traditional Research), of which he is a member.  ;
In recent years he has disclosed the latest investigations in Latin America and along the great rivers of the Amazon, presenting some themes in his book "Invisible Cities". 

The proceeds from the book will go to finance initiatives aimed at progress and, where possible, new scientific research to give historical and archaeological dignity to the Amazon and its people.

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